Friday, September 28, 2012

24th to the 27th September


2 talks today. One on drawing in different mediums and just throwing out our current bias on how to draw and what a drawing is. The other was on throwing out our bias on art itself. There was a hilarious creepy short known as "the door" Cant find a link to it at the moment.

Made a lot of makets today. Triangular prisms that were  connected and when folded together became things. It was fun.

Made a 3D representation of a 2D representation of a 3D cube.

Managed to make an illusion of an eye out of 6 squares taped together.

Had a tutorial with Paul Gardiner. Discussed the idea that maybe i should make a human face out of shape's. I accepted the challenge although i was very tired so progress was slow

Managed to make two eyes and eyebrows.


I cut my finger Breaking a mirror for Maria. Also i didnt mean to break it. I was taking it out of its holder.

Made a stupid shape that failed.

Becca came to my flat to show me she actually did work. Hence this puppet clown.


Alot of work today.

Failed to make a face out of triangles .

Reverse a Hexagram/hexagon/asterix  and turned it inside out.

Made some weird shapes.

was working with the idea of empty space's in geometric shapes.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Jupiter's day 20th september 2012

Today was a busy day

Stared off exploring geometry of the star of david.
Hexagram's, hexagons and also 2 extra lines that go on either side of the hexagram lines. I coloured in the space's differently there are so many different combinations.

Moved onto trying to make a perfect sphere out of paper. Ridiculously ambitious. Although i failed it was interesting and fun to try. Looked it up online afterwards theres a couple of cool ways to make spheres  

Not mine

Using Hexagons i made shapes with the following
3 hexagons and 3 triangle empty spaces
8 hexagons and 6 square empty spaces
20 hexagons and 12 pentagon empty spaces.
When trying to make a hexagon ball out of hexagons i accidentally made a panda dog whiney the pooh type mask
I made a ring out of 6 hexagons. When thrown diagonally it starts to glide along
Mercury-day 19th september 2012]

Today I played with myself. As in i printed tons of me's from different angles and made collages of the faces into a triple headed me. Unintentionally like the celtic triple headed stone.

I played with prespectives. In a way that shows choice or multiple timelines . The idea has come to me that the multi headed me represents the different paths i could take at that moment. Good/ Evil/ Neutral.

I atempted oragami from the book the "Complete Origami" by David Mitchell. I was able to make "The kabuto" (as shown) and the "cormorant on a rock"

I wasn't able to make the "tsuru" as step's 8 to 12 confused me.

Mars-day 18th september 2012

Fractal Imagery of intersections of a square

Geometry triangles Hexagons

Intersecting lines of half way.

Inttersecting line of a square within itself

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Moons-day 17th september 2012

Some of the anicient celtic sculptures look like machines

A celtic sculpture of 2 intertwining snakes like D.N.A. coiling together. Similar to the indian snakes that intersect at the chakra points. Also similar to the staff of Hermes.

I want to make the unexpected. The unusual and the irregular. Some thing that is not. What would be if the roles or rules were different?

Reading "The golden age of Irish Art" well i say reading looking at the pictures is a bit more accurate. Saw this on the street after. Recognised it from the book.

In the book "Art forms in nature" by Ernst Haeckel.There is repeating 6 sided, 5 sided and 8 sided shaped animals and plants throughout. Two of my roomates freaked out when i was going through the book as they thought it was my sketch book. If only.

Breaking up faces into geometry and the body.

Played with what if the lines of the mouth, eyes , nose continued.

Sun's-day September 16th 2012

Train of thought Choo Choo.

Breaking shapes up with lines.

Break a face up into geometric shapes to show how we are based of geometry.

Make the shaded part of the face with repeating lines.

Make the shapes of the face 2 dimensional.

Make Human lay lines.

Switch roles of the body. What if eye's were used to feel things?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Saturn’s-day September 15th 2012 

Art seem’s to be take a law of nature and play with it.

From the flower of life to the Honey combed Hexagon 

I.B.M. atomic force microscopy technique blew my mind today. Loved the Hexagram formation of the carbon atoms.  

My one way mirror cube idea has been done. It’s known as the “Mekong cube” Mekong is a river in south east Asia.

Been playing around with different chess board variations.

Friggday September 14th 2012
Train of thought today.

Masculine energy embedded with femal energy. Organic embedded with the inorganic. Essentuailly lines and curves

As i spent most of the summer drawing geometrical shapes patterns i want to incorporate some of the techniques and ideas i have found.

I know my brain exists as it tells me it exists.

Five is made up of “Fi”= phi, (present through out pentagrams)
 V=5 (Roman numerals), “E”=5th letter of alphabeta

European union flag by Arsene Heitz based off the Miraculous Medal. This is the reason for the 12 stars. 

five fingers and toes.
Why five? No one knows,
The phi-ratio does show.

More mind mapping again today. I think tomorrow i should just start drawing and allow for ideas to flow through that.