Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Visual communications Gnaw brainstorming

My word was "Gnaw"

Brainstorming the word gnaw with a mind map
 Then the aim was to visually represent all the words we had down in the Mind map.

Then came time to start combinning the visual representatives together.

Nibbling paper.




Finnishing sculpture elective


Using the mind maps from the first day.
I made this







           By the end of the day the studio was exploding with sculptures.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sculpture week 2 Monday

Started off with this abomination
Found twisting the paper to be interesting

Twisted it into its self to keep the paper together.


Twisted 3 of them together

Joining different sheets together. 1 sheet becoming 2 sheets.

Yingyang Ouroboros
Making 1 grow into 2.


Sticking in the twisted side

And twisting the cilindar around it.



Testing the weight it can take. Note that the sculpture is held together with only paper.