Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Meeting 27/01/15

Meeting 27/01/15 

John, Eoin, Clodagh, Ian *All Present*

Team Roles
John : Chairperson
Eoin : Devils Advocate
Clodagh : Designer/Presenter 
Ian : Scribe

E: Did you see the Hunter video?
J: No
C: No
*Shows video*

J: I really like the video, we could do something like those shadows and silhouettes, if we film using green-screen and invert it to black.
 E: I don't get what frame size? 
J: We should try green screen today
C: I can start the treatment file today
J: I like also what Ian was showing me.
E: Ties in with what we were saying earlier on in the project, (in relation to ghost like figures)

J: We can animate a bird traditionally and duplicate to make a whole flock.
E: If we are going to experiment today what are we going to do?
J: We should green screen a walk-cycle and put it in an enviroment.
E: Can we also look at shooting projected shadows?
J: Lets definitely experiment
C: Todays our last day free to experiment
E: Lets try to use all the things we have. We need to talk about the treatment file.
J: Do we have images for it?
I: Yes we should give them all to Clodagh
E: Style?
J: Shadow Shilloeuttes, altered by elongating in AE? or we can animate them using paper cut outs.
I: Paper joint puppets?
C: How about drawing mannequins 
I: I used one is first year during the group project, I don't recommend it
E: Are they definitely going to be elongated?
J: Slenderman like. 
E: We going to do it live action?
J: We should try it out.
I: We will give all images to Clodagh for the treatment file. 
E: Dave said don't give a lot but give quality.
I: Ah grand so give the best.
E: What's our concept?
*We then talked about our concept in buzzwords* Remembering past, nostalgic, memories, sentimental. People are shadow memories of what they once were. We want to portray the people as the spirit of the village but they are only a memory of what once was. So we will portray them as shadow shillouted figures.
E: Instead of using green screen would we be better off just trying to shoot shadows and on white projected from behind and then keying out the white?
I: It's be much the same as we will still be keying out, and it would be more difficult to key out the shadow and to cast the shadow to the right size.
J: Right we get to it so.

*Meeting Over*


  • Eoin must bring in minutes book tomorrow.
  • Setup Google+ Group again as first group isn't working
  • Film person on Green Screen today and turn it into a shilouette.
  • We are going to experiment with projection.
  • Give quality images to Clodagh
  • Discussed Concept
  • Shoot projected shadows